Monday 3 September 2012


A TANKA PROSE envelope Slowly, nostalgia trickles into torrents,to flood memory's canyon Crystal clear,vision's backward gaze .All future certainty lies in the past, often distant memories linger fleeting and ephmeral is the dream.Yesterday's hero,a today's has-been,all perspective,out of true;twenty,twenty embellishes hind-sight .Experience forgotten wastes away superficiality now has its day.. on the wind a bell tolls memories surface words unerased- the image fades I walk through the glade colour enlightens me- in my mind's eye abstractions rainbow my persoective The soft yellow streaked the terra cotta,shadowing the speckled sallow saffron a bluish buff upon the cochineal;brilliant boneblack grizzled the engrain citrine carnation as the fallow flaxen,rustic rubrical rainbow-tinted the magenta mandarine;unseen the ultra-marine, tinged burnt sienna, reflecting a golden flame of raw umbery upon the earth green;bright mosaic gold mottled the sallow sorrel virent yellow,oak stained the pale apricot;while blood red,reddish russetdotted the olive lind;freckled crimson,a chestnut maroon, on fuchsias faded apple green as burnt rumber sank deep into its sanguine slumber. ARTISTA as   viewed revered or   reviled relevant & irrelevant vacuous ostentatious left - field   avant-garde conventional traditional yet unpredictable &  unknowable always   personal &individual ever   provocative objective    instinctive & interpretative the enigma   made manifestex to taste or touch see   &feel absorb in a unique    moment

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